Allergies – or energy field hypersensitivities – invariably result from the presence of a foreign energy – an energy that isn’t your own – in your energy body.

For example, when you get a cold you immediately become allergic to some foods – often dairy products – and other substances that you may normally tolerate without any problem. The energy of the cold virus is a foreign energy that displaces some of your own energy in your nose and sinuses. So your nose and sinuses temporarily become hypersensitive.

Of course, a cold isn’t usually a big deal because the presence of the foreign energy is temporary. But let’s consider another example the officially ‘incurable’ illness, interstitial cystitis. Continue reading →

Topics: Allergies

Allergies can be of many different kinds – hypersensitivity to foods, medicines, airborne chemicals, jewelry, fabrics, metals, plastics, ornaments, furniture, animals, other people, sounds, spaces, objects, certain words, or colors  . . . and that’s just a few!

At least some of these categories sound like nonsense from the point of medical science, which assumes an allergy to be a reaction to a particular chemical. However, from the point of view of energy awareness, an allergy is a reaction to a particular energy – which may or may not be associated with a certain chemical. Continue reading →

Topics: Allergies

An allergy is a personal hypersensitivity to something that is not inherently bad for the human body. The medical profession assumes there is a fundamental difference between hypersensitivies that involve the immune system – a true “allergy” – and hypersensitivies affecting other areas of the body – “intolerances.” But the energetic mechanism of reaction – other than that specific to the afflicted area (e.g. your immune system, cardiovascular system, nervous system, etc.) – is the same in all cases. So we refer to all hypersensitivities as “allergies.”

Because of the conventional lack of understanding of allergies there is a common presumption that food allergies are relatively rare – e.g. “more than 3% of adults have one or more food allergies.” But this presumption reflects the common lack of awareness of food allergy rather than its actual low incidence.

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Topics: Getting Well

Three months ago, a client was told by her doctor that she had IBS – irritable bowel syndrome – and that it’s incurable. So she’d have it for the rest of her life.

A month later, with proper treatment, most of the symptoms were gone. And now, they are completely gone.

So why did her doctor say it was incurable? Because it was . . . if she, like most people, had depended on science-based medicine.

When scientific medicine doesn’t have an effective treatment for a problem, the problem is officially considered incurable . . . regardless of whether or not thousands or millions of people have recovered from the problem through other means.

“Incurable” doesn’t only mean that a problem may, in fact, be effectively treated by any number of practitioners who don’t depend on medical drugs or surgery. It can also mean that another allopathic doctor may have the answer.

For example, I recall a case where an ophthalmologist in the United States was unable to treat a client’s “dry eye” disorder. But an ophthalmologist in France sorted it out in less than a week. The two doctors had an equivalent medical training but their knowledge of potential solutions was, nevertheless, significantly different in some ways.

Another area of medicine in which people are often told their problem is incurable is that of “terminal” cancer. Millions of people have recovered from “terminal” cancer by subscribing to relatively non-toxic – as opposed to medical drug-based – treatment protocols.

However, when recovery occurs, it is officially considered to be a “spontaneous remission.” This means, in such cases, that the methods used to get well aren’t considered “scientific.” And so a patient’s recovery can’t be explained . . . except by the practitioner(s) involved of course – but that doesn’t count. One good source of information on treating cancer in ways that most doctors won’t tell you about is

So, if you are ever told that you have an “incurable” problem, don’t forget that this is, essentially, a political statement, not a scientific one. The doctor making the statement doesn’t know all the practitioners or products out there that may be able to help you.

Of course, he or she may be right. There may really be no-one and nothing that can help – but I wouldn’t care to bet on it. No doctor or practitioner knows more than a fraction of the possible treatments for any health problem. And those people who apply themselves to their own recovery are far more likely to get well than those who just believe what they are told. And so give up.

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