Five months after moving house, Margaret Turrel, age 50, began experiencing some alarming symptoms. They included abdominal pains, inexplicable exhaustion, aching in the joints and anal bleeding. Margaret also became unable to be in the same room as a television because she started breaking out in a sweat . . .

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Topics: Q-Link

Millions of people have some  awareness of their being affected by environmental stresses of one kind or another – heat behind their ear from a mobile phone, disorientation from fluorescent lights in supermarkets or nausea or prickling sensations from a Wifi field are three common examples of this. Other symptoms are not feeling “right” when in a certain place or in the company of a certain person.

Consequently, not a week goes by when we don’t see clients who have one or other of the many “energy protection” devices on the market.

The Q-Link is one of the most popular of such devices – and is certainly the one with the slickest marketing – but how much energy protection does it really provide? Continue reading →

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