The Vision Of The Heart

Follow Your Heart – the perennial injunction, but, how do you do it? Vision Life Coaching, one of the services we offer, focusses on helping clients learn to follow their heart by transforming challenging areas of their life – wealth, work, relationships, creativity, etc. – especially areas that feel stuck. An energy-aware mentor heightens awareness of the need for change by reflecting back to the client the ways they tend to lose their energy (qi) and how they can cultivate their energy to move beyond the life-limiting karmas that keep them stuck in unsatisfactory states or circumstances.

As a result of these interactions, we routinely see people achieving profound changes within themselves and their lives – especially those who are willing to follow their heart or live with more ‘intent.’

“I can’t thank you enough for enabling me to know me. I can’t really find the words for it. Vision Life Coaching is quite intense, but the most powerful intervention I’ve ever experienced!” Dr. IW, UK

Vision Life Coaching has made a dramatic difference to my life unlike anything else I have done . . . KP, USA

Follow your heart,’ is, of course, a well-known injunction. But what does it really mean?  In this article, we discuss the essential empowerment process that underlies any ascending development – or progressive illumination – of human consciousness. Continue reading →

‘Common Knowledge’ or Body Energy Awareness?

There are always plenty of myths around, at any given time, about what is or isn’t meant to be good for us (supposedly). For example, many doctors used to advise their patients to smoke cigarettes, avoid eggs, substitute margarine for butter, and to cover themselves with oil-based, ‘skin-protection’ creams before, well, frying themselves for hours in the sun. I imagine some doctors still subscribe to the latter two beliefs. Experts often have difficulty changing their opinions on the basis of new research results.

Anyway, speaking of frying, a friend recently offered us some ‘healthy’ chips (potato crisps), which had been deep-fried in olive oil. Leaving aside the effects of deep-frying anything, we couldn’t help noticing how unusually tasteless they were. Why? Because, being ‘healthy,’ they had no added salt. And, as we all ‘know,’ reducing our salt intake is good for our hearts, isn’t it? Continue reading →

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