Spiritual teachers affect the lives of thousands, or even millions, of people. How and in what ways isn’t normally a topic of conversation. But, as we specialise in looking at the effects of one energy on another, we’re often asked how the energy of a particular spiritual teacherĀ  impacts on the enquirer’s life or spiritual well-being.

This may seem odd to some, but spiritual teachers aren’t any different to any other part of the environment. They radiate certain forms of energy that have observable effects on others energies, with predictable consequences. Obviously, different people respond in different ways to the same energy, but that energy still has its own stable qualities, irrespective of who’s receiving it.

So we thought it might be helpful to describe the energenic effects of the basic kinds of spiritual teacher on their followers. We’ve included one or two examples for each of the categories of spiritual teacher below. Incidentally, although Energy Awareness practitioners tend to be fairly relaxed about energenic observations, we appreciate that many people have strong feelings and opinions about their or others’ spiritual teachers. Therefore, to mitigate any unintended irritation, we’ve only referred to deceased ‘gurus,’ as classic examples of the different types of spiritual teacher.

Of course, many gurus include two or more of the typical energy configurations of spiritual teachers so, as always, reality is more complex than simple categorisations. But, hopefully, this will give you a sense of the various kinds of spiritual teacher. And how they may, or may not, fulfil their particular role in your life.

We touch on some ‘big’ topics in this blog post, necessarily briefly, so feel free to post your questions and comments below.

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Everything has to start somewhere, no matter whether it’s the first sandwich someone ever put together, the first igloo constructed by an Eskimo in the Arctic, Newton’s theory of gravity and its associated apple tree, or the beginnings of Buddhism when Siddhartha Gautama sat under a bodhi tree at the place now called Bodh Gaya, in India.

Even though this is obviously true, we rarely pay much attention to where we are when we have a new idea, a new perception, or even an illuminating experience. There is little conscious connection between our current location and whatever our minds happen to conceive of there. In fact, ideas are sometimes said to have appeared, ‘out of the blue’ – as if they came from the sky. Or, perhaps, from nowhere at all.

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I recently came across a forum where someone asked, “What’s the difference between ‘personal development’ and ‘spiritual development’?” He seemed to feel they’re essentially the same thing. It’s an interesting question because, at the level of the energy body, there’s a fundamental difference. Continue reading →

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