Influenzinum, Vitamin D3 or the Flu Vaccine?
An Easy Way To Help Prevent Flu
Three days ago, some friends, who’d had the flu vaccine, came for lunch. One of them had also, unsurprisingly, subsequently caught the flu . . . You may not be aware of this, but the vaccine can increase your chances of getting the flu . . .
Last night, I started sneezing and feeling achy. So I took a homeopathic remedy: Influenzinum 9C. This morning, I sneezed a few times. And now, three hours later, I’m fine. This is a typical story about Influenzinum – the most effective flu preventative and treatment – if the bug is caught early enough – I know of.
In approximately 90 percent of the cases no instances of the flu occurred when Influenzinum was used – FLU: Alternative Treatments and Prevention
by Randall Neustaedter OMD
How About Vitamin D3?
Yes, I’m familiar with the research into vitamin D3 – and I believe most adults should take 5000iu daily throughout the Fall and Winter. But, if I could use only one means of preventing the flu, Influenzinum would be it. However, it needs to be the annual preparation, made from this year’s vaccines – sometimes called Homeomunyl in France. This is a very different remedy from the traditional Influenzinum available from any manufacturing homeopathic pharmacy. You need to make sure that you’re really getting this year’s remedy made from the Influenza vaccines.
How Much Influenzinum To Take?
Although recommendations differ from one supplier to the next, we find that this procedure usually works well:
- Take one dose of Influenzinum 9C per week for 4 weeks
- Then take one dose of Influenzinum 9C per month from October through March or April
If you’re 65 or older, take Influenzinum 15C instead.
Also, whichever potency you use, keep several spare doses in your medicine cabinet. Then, if you start experiencing any flu or cold symptoms, take an extra dose immediately.
This year’s Influenzinum is available in most French pharmacies during the Fall and Winter months. It’s also available in the USA and Canada from Feel Good and other suppliers.
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And What About The Flu Vaccine?
Incidentally, in case you still think the flu vaccine might be a good idea, here’s some links to recent articles on the flu vaccine. flu vaccine politics and Vitamin D3 relative to the flu vaccine.
Fortunately, the last we heard, Australia has banned the flu vaccine for children under 5 years of age. Ironically, but as is so often the case, real life shows us what health “science” misses. Different vaccines offer widely varying degrees of benefit. Based on the weight of evidence, the flu vaccine is one you might want to consider giving a miss . . .
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